Johnsonburg Area Elementary SchoolWebsite Accessibility
Welcome to Johnsonburg Area Elementary School. Learning and fun go hand in hand in our preschool through sixth-grade classrooms. We are a community of caring, dedicated professionals who work together to bring about the academic and personal success of every student in our care.
At JAES, students, parents, and teachers are all on the same team. Weekly communication packets support that team spirit by sharing information about upcoming events and samples of your child’s schoolwork. Watch for your child’s packet on Tuesdays.
A Message From Our Principal
Dear Johnsonburg Area Elementary School Families,
We will be celebrating “Kindness Week” this week. There are some planned activities that the students will be able to participate in. The students always enjoy these activities and themed days.
The Nutrition Group does a fabulous job with our breakfast and lunch programs at the elementary and high school buildings. All students eat for free this school year! Please encourage your child to eat breakfast and/or lunch each day in our cafeteria.
I would like to remind you to create or review your emergency plan for your family. These plans should include what your child should do in the event of a school cancellation, a school delay, or an early dismissal. It is also important that each family has a working phone number so that the school can communicate with you in case of an emergency. Please contact my office if you need to update any information or add an emergency contact and/or number.
Also, remind your children that they should not be bringing in their own electronic games, cell phones or toys to school. These items are becoming a distraction to our educational setting, and I will appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
It is important for your child to bring a water bottle to school. All the water fountains are equipped with a bottle filler that can be used to refill their water bottles throughout the day.
Judy Allegretto
Judy Allegretto
Important Dates:
- Tuesday, February 11: PTCO is sponsoring a “Tissue Tuesday”. Please donate a box of tissues to the school.
- Friday, February 14: School is in session. This is a snow make-up day.
- Monday, February 17: Presidents Day – School is in session. This is a snow make-up day.
- Monday, March 3–Thursday, March 6: Kindergarten and Pre-K Counts Registration