Clubs & Extracurriculars
Education is more than just academics—it’s about making connections, discovering passions, and learning practical skills. It’s important for teens to find things they enjoy and get involved in their school and community. Clubs and volunteering are the perfect way to do that and meet others who share your interests.
We are proud to offer marching band as an extracurricular activity for JAHS students co-oped with Ridgway High School. Marching band performs at every home football game, community parades, festivals, and special concerts. If you are interested in participating in marching band, please review the information provided by Mrs. Palmer and contact our front office with questions.
Class Trips
Occasionally teachers may schedule class trips for educational purposes. We expect students to follow school rules and behave as representatives of JAHS on all such trips.
Senior Trip
Our annual senior class trip is an educational privilege our seniors look forward to every year. A lot of planning and fundraising goes into each trip, and we expect students to abide by school rules while having fun. Watch our News page for more information regarding this year’s trip. And remember: nonparticipating seniors must still attend school during trip dates.
We are proud to offer the following student-led clubs at Johnsonburg Area High School. If you don’t see a club that you are interested in joining, consider starting your own. Simply talk with a member of our administrative staff to learn more.
Love drama? How about singing? More of the “behind the scenes” type? Join our drama club and put all those skills to use. (Plus have a ton of fun!)
Stand Tall
A student organization fostering an environment free from the effects of illegal drugs and alcohol. Stand Tall members agree to be randomly tested for illegal substances and participate in school functions that advocate for a drug-free community.
Student Council
Our student government organization gives students first-hand experience in the democratic process. Each year, representatives from every class organize school events to boost morale.
Varsity Club
Students earning a varsity letter for participation in varsity-level sport(s) are members of the Varsity Club. Members may purchase varsity jackets to display their letters on. (Students must have a varsity letter in hand to order jackets.)
Yearbook students learn about journalism and publishing while developing valuable skills such as photography, editing, and advertising. Jostens handles our yearly yearbook sales.
Community Service
All JASD students must complete a total of 39 community service hours in order to graduate. Students can easily meet this requirement by completing 11 hours of community service per year during their freshman, sophomore, and junior years; then 6 hours during their senior year.
All work must be volunteer. Work done for for-profit businesses will not count toward community service hours, even if a student was not paid. Participating in activities such as Scouts or Confirmation classes also does not count toward community service hours; however, students may earn one hour of community service during each season of school-sponsored extracurricular activities.
Community service hours must be pre-approved, and students must turn in their service log sheets within two weeks of the volunteer date. Students must turn in the community service hours they accumulated during the summer by the first Friday of the following school year.