Business Services
Our Business Services Department handles everything from payables to purchasing. We take our responsibility to manage taxpayer funds very seriously and conduct all business with integrity and transparency. We are happy to answer your questions or provide you with the information you need. Please do not hesitate to contact any member of our department.
Right To Know
Parents have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and paraprofessionals who instruct their child(ren). If you wish to review district personnel information, please contact us. To obtain public records from our district, submit a written request to our right-to-know officer or the state’s open records officer.
Johnsonburg ASD Right-to-Know Officer
Gail Luhr, Board Secretary
315 High School Road
Johnsonburg, PA 15845
Phone: 814-965-2536, ext. 3404
Fax: 814-965-5809
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